Create Your Own Affiliate Network in a Few Simple Steps

Sign Up to start using the Offerit Platform
The Sign Up process itself is very quick. You create a new account within our system, provide contact information and just a bit more.
As Offerit is a SaaS solution, being hosted on our dedicated servers, your software will be installed and ready for your use in just minutes.

Follow our Step By Step Getting Started Guide
Each Offerit installation comes with a detailed Getting Started Guide that will help you set up your new system. This includes branding your Offerit with your own logo and colors scheme, adding your first offer, and ensuring your contact information is ready for the big time!

With an offer in hand, place your Pixel
Once you have added an Offer, you will place a conversion pixel onto your offer confirmation page. This may be a page displayed when a sale is finalized in your shopping cart, or a "Thank You" page after someone submits your lead generation form, or any page like this.
Using our "Pixel Builder" feature will quickly create the appropriate pixel code for your site's conversion page. And if you need a more advanced solution than an HTML/pixel postback, we also offer cookie-less postbacks directly to your Offerit installation.

Invite Affiliates to join your network
With an offer in the system and the pixel placed onto your conversion page, you can then start inviting affiliates to promote your offer.
Already have affiliates? We'll handle importing them into your new Offerit installation free of charge. This will allow a quick and easy transition from your current system and get you started with Offerit even fasterer.

Affiliates Promote, You See Conversions
Once Affiliates are signed up, they can start promoting your offers by placing special links provided through your Offerit installation across the web. As potential customers start following the links, Offerit will start the tracking process for that user.
As potential customers fulfill your offer and land on your confirmation page, your system will let Offerit know about the sale / sign up / etc through the coding previously added. Offerit stores the data, calculates any special payments, and displays this data back to you through our detailed reports.